Cloud native 5G Core network management is very different from that of a virtual machine-based network service. For cloud native functions, customers need a lightweight easy-to-use solution that can handle Helm Charts, Operators, Custom Resources, Config Maps, Kubernetes plugins (CNI, CRI), service mesh (e.g. Istio), hardware platform awareness (HPA), Prometheus, FluentD, and more. The management solution has to achieve this while simultaneously allowing Kubernetes to take a greater role than hypervisors ever did in terms of automatically managing self-healing, scale-out, local upgrades, and more.
Cloud native 5GC management
requires new approaches
Aarna Network’s AMCOP meets the requirements of a cloud native 5GC management and orchestration solution primarily for Private 5G deployments. It is an easy-to-use E2E 5G service creation and management framework that works towards abstraction of complex underlying 5G network functions and provides a zero touch network orchestration tool. It automates the workflow using standard interfaces.