Aarna Solutions

E2E Network Slicing

5G network slicing management

Network slicing allows operators to both create value-added, differentiated services for new revenue streams (for example Virtual Reality) and to more efficiently manage network traffic and reduce costs by dynamically allocating bandwidth between different types of users. 5G network slicing enables Mobile Network Operators (MNO) to provide services aligned to customers’ preferences or based on the use case. Different kinds of 5G use cases bring with them different service requirements.

Network slicing requires broad capabilities to meet industry use cases

Radio Access Network (RAN), Transport Network, and Core Network act together in forming an end-to-end 5G network slice. In addition, a slice management component is required, and the LFN ONAP project provides a comprehensive solution. 3GPP has defined the Communication Service Management Function (CSMF) through which the BSS layer can easily access the network slices and their associated characteristics. Southbound of the CSMF is the Network Slice Management Function (NSMF) which communicates to domain specific Network Slice Subnet Management Functions (NSSMF).

Aarna’s AMCOP along with AES supports these three functions. When the user orders a slice using CSMF, ONAP NSMF processes the request and identifies the correct slice template. The core external NSSMF developed by Aarna Networks calls the CapGemini Engineering 5GC REST APIs to configure the slice parameter. The 5G Core components are configured and the slice values are set including the User Plane Function (UPF) from our partners at Kaloom.

Case Study Spotlight

A number of companies are collaborating in Linux Foundation Network on an end-to-end disaggregated on a 5G Super Blueprint. This is a community-driven integration/illustration of multiple open source initiatives coming together to show end-to-end use cases demonstrating implementation architectures for end users. In the latest version of the demo, we show the core slicing of CapGemini Engineering 5GC + Kaloom UPF by using ONAP for network slice management. There was a custom NSSMF developed so that ONAP could communicate with the 5G Core.

View the demo here
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