
Curious about the OPNFV Danube Release?

The OPNFV community's 4th release, Danube, came out roughly 2 weeks ago. This release integrates the MANO layer (OPEN-O, OpenBaton, OpenStack tacker), so now there is an open source reference architecture for the entire NFV stack minus VNFs. Or in other words OPNFV integrates MANO + VIM + SDN Controller + NFVI software with continuous testing. Pretty cool, huh? Additionally there are numerous enhancements around data plane acceleration, architecture improvements, feature enhancements and hardening. See the official OPNFV blog.

Want to learn more? Join Serg Melikyan from Mirantis & me for a deep dive webinar where we will discuss "What's new in OPNFV Danube".