
AI-and-RAN on a GPU Cloud

70-80% of 5G radio area network (RAN) hardware is currently underutilized. Run RAN on a GPU cloud and slash your 5G CAPEX by dynamically allocating unused RAN cycles to AI/ML workloads.

Get Positive Cash Flow from RAN Sites

RAN sites constitute the biggest CAPEX of a 5G rollout. Sadly, the average hardware utilization of RAN sites is only 20-30%. So the most expensive part of a 5G rollout is sitting idle 70-80% of the time. How does this make any sense?

By running both RAN (cRAN, vRAN, or O-RAN) on a GPU cloud, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) can now allocate unused cycles to AI/ML workloads. Run internal MNO AI/ML workloads or monetize these cycles by selling spot instances for 3rd party AI/ML workloads.

Convert your RAN site from a cost center to a profit center!


aarna.ml GPU CMS Switches
Between RAN and AI/ML

The "aarna.ml GPU Cloud Management Software" provides powerful closed loop automation capability to orchestrate between AI/ML, NVCF (to monetize GPU cycles), and RAN based on predefined policies.

Leading RAN Vendors Support AI-RAN Alliance

Industry leaders proudly partner with us to advance AI-powered RAN innovation, shaping the future of intelligent wireless networks.


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Set Up an O-RAN SMO Today

Request a free consultation to discuss how you can build value for your organization with O-RAN or request a Free Trial of aarna.ml GPU CMS today.