
RAN-in-the-Cloud Solution Brief

To take full advantage of cloud computing, the RAN needs all compute elements deployed in the cloud. This is RAN-in-the-Cloud — a 5G radio access network fully hosted as a service in multi-tenant cloud infrastructure running as a containerized solution alongside other applications. These can be dynamically allocated in an E2E stack to increase utilization and reduce CapEx and OpEX for telecom operators while allowing monetization of new edge applications and services, such as AI.

We've now published a Solution Brief that highlights our RAN-in-the-Cloud Proof of Concept (PoC) with NVIDIA and Radisys. Aarna.ml provides an open source O-RAN SMO (service management and orchestration) built for easy integration across O-RAN software components and this Proof-of-Concept (POC) includes a single pane of glass orchestrator from Aarna and Radisys.

Get the Solution Brief

Read the RAN-in-the-cloud Blog from Aarna

Read the RAN-in-the-cloud Blog from NVIDIA

Watch the RAN-in-the-cloud Demo Video