
Debugging ONAP OOM Failures

On May-21, Amar Kapadia & I conducted a webinar on the topic of “Debugging OOM Failures”.

  • Webinar video recording  
  • Webinar slide deck

We started off by giving some context. Our objective was to develop a lightweight, repeatable lab environment for ONAP training on Google Cloud. We also plan to offer this image to developers that need a sandbox environment. To accomplish this, we used ONAP Amsterdam along with OPNFV Euphrates. ONAP was installed using OOM that uses Kubernetes and Helm. All of this software was installed on one VM on the Google cloud.

For most users, issues that pop up once in a while are OK. However, for us, the deployment process needed to be consistent and repeatable. For this reason, we had to debug every intermittent failure and develop a single-click workaround script.

The webinar next talked about the 7 issues we faced, how we debugged them and what the workarounds were. The issues faced were as follows. Other than failure#7, the other failures were all intermittent:

  1. AAI containers failed to transition to Running state  
  2. SDC UI is not getting loaded  
  3. SDC Service Distribution Error  
  4. VID Service Deployment Error  
  5. VID ADD VNF Error  
  6. SDNC User creation failed  
  7. Robot init_robot failed with missing attributes

If you are curious to learn more, check out the slide deck or video links above. Additionally if you have ONAP training, PoC needs, or simply feel like trying out the VM image on GCP, feel free to contact us. We have a whole portfolio of training, services and product offerings.