



Brandon Wick

Learn the 5 Edge Native Application Principles
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“Cloud Native” computing represents paradigm shift for the computing ecosystem that continues to spur innovation and drive new business models. Edge computing is intricately woven into the cloud -- and driven by use cases like multicloud networking, cloud adjacent storage, and cloud edge machine learning -- has taken this concept to the enterprise edge. But edge computing environments have compute, connectivity, storage, and power constraints, necessitating new approaches and a new set of "Edge Native" principles.

The edge native infographic below highlights the work of the IOT Edge Working Group to explore what it means to be edge native, the differences and similarities between “Cloud Native” and “Edge Native”, and offer an initial set of principles for the industry to interpret, apply, and iterate upon. You can get the full whitepaper here. The group is now working on a set of Edge Native Application Design Behaviors Whitepaper. Stay tuned!

Sriram Rupanagunta

Demystifying Orchestrators: Navigating the Landscape of Management and Orchestration Solutions
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We often tell our stakeholders that Orchestration is a general term, and we need to clarify what are the different types of Orchestrators available to apply in their network architecture. 

In this blog, I will give an overview of various aspects of Orchestrators, since not all are created equal. 

This can help decision makers choose what works for their organizational needs. 

So what do orchestrators do?? In short, they perform things like: 

  • Infrastructure Orchestration, which includes physical functions (servers, storage, networks etc.)
  • Cloud Orchestration, which includes tools that can spin up resources on clouds. All public clouds have tools available for this functionality. 
  • Network Service Orchestration, which include network functions that are virtualized or containerized. They include Telco domains, such as 5G Core, Radio Access Network (RAN), Fronthaul/Backhaul networks, etc. 
  • Application Orchestration, which typically include MEC (Multi-access Edge Computing) applications, that run on Edge clusters (e.g., CDN, computer visio,n etc.)
  • All or some of the above, can be also be done using a single Orchestrator

Next comes the scope of Orchestration functionality. This can be simplified into Day-0 or Day-N management. Some Orchestrators (typically the ones used on public clouds) usually perform only Day-0, which is to spin up the required resources for the operation of the function (Infrastructure, network functions, etc.). If any changes need to be made during the life of these resources (e.g., they need to be reconfigured, either manually or based on some configurable policies), there is no mechanism for doing so. The latter functionality is known as Day-N orchestration/management, also referred to as LCM (Life Cycle Management). 

This itself has two distinct functions -- monitoring and taking actions (open loop or closed loop). Either the Orchestrator performs both of these functions, or it relies on other tools/utilities to monitor, and can simply perform corrective actions, such as the reconfigurations. In the virtualized world (VNF/CNFs), the reconfiguration could also include healing, scaling-in, scaling-out, etc. 

Scalability is another important factor in choosing the Orchestrator. If your use cases need to be run on Edge networks (Enterprise Edge or Cloud Edge, also known as the New Middle Mile), it needs to be a lot more scalable compared to Cloud scale (those confined to few public cloud locations and clusters). The number of Network services and Applications (including the vendors) is also an order of magnitude more in case of Edge networks (1000s as opposed to 10s). 

There is another twist to this tale -- some Orchestrators may be vendor or cloud-specific, which work well for the proprietary vendor or cloud resources, but obviously cannot be used for other vendor products or clouds. So if your environment is multi-cloud/multi-vendor, this option may not be suitable for you.

Independent of the above (but somewhat related in reality) is the openness of the Orchestrator implementations -- whether they are closed source implementations (proprietary) or open source based. In theory, the Orchestrator could be working with proprietary target functions but could be open source based (or vice versa). But in practice, they go hand in hand. 

Lastly, some orchestrators may be specific to a particular domain (e.g., 5G Core, Transport or RAN). O-RAN Service Management and Orchestration (SMO), as the name implies, is an example of an Orchestrator that is specific to the RAN domain. 

There is another category of vendors who offer Cloud Networking, which are also sometimes referred to as Orchestrators. But their functions are typically meant for specific networking use cases such as SD-WAN, MPLS Replacement, etc. 

Regardless of their specific functions (which includes any of those mentioned above), there is another nuance to the way the solution is offered, which could be either as a Technology provider or a Service Provider. The former provides a level of customization that may be necessary for specific use cases or environments, whereas the latter (though well-packaged) is typically a fixed function. 

With so many variations and nuances, users need to think through their specific organizational needs (present and future) before deciding on which solution to choose from the choices available. 

I hope this sheds some light on the topic and gives some clarity on how to go about choosing a vendor. At Aarna.ml, we offer open source, zero-touch, orchestrator, AMCOP (also offered as a SaaS AES) for lifecycle management, real-time policy, and closed loop automation for edge and 5G services. If you’d like to discuss your orchestration needs, please contact us for a free consultation.

Brandon Wick

Aarna's participation in Linux Foundation Networking Developer and Testing Forum.
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Aarna.ml participated in the recently concluded Linux Foundation Networking Developer and Testing Forum. The community gathered virtually June 6-8 and had the opportunity to collaborate to advance open source networking initiatives. Just like the previous virtual D&TFs, this was a gathering for community-generated sessions and discussions in order to address the challenges, opportunities, and future roadmaps for the projects and key initiatives. 

Aarna.mlparticipated in the following sessions:

The 5G Super Blueprint is an initiative to prototype and integrate open source software to address real-world use cases. It gives projects an opportunity to demonstrate their value to end users and gives end users an idea of how they could leverage the open source projects. During the February 2023 we had an initial brainstorming session to figure out how Nephio might fit into the existing blueprint work. Since then there has been some progress on the blueprint, and it is time to go to the next level of details on leveraging Nephio's as well as ONAP capabilities to enrich the blueprint.

Check the slides and video.

Aarna Speaker - Yogendra Pal

As part of 5G SBP efforts, Aarna has worked in the community to develop E2E network slicing of the Core network and RAN using open source components. In this presentation, we demonstrated how to create an E2E network slice with cloud native network functions (CNFs) using EMCO. The Core Network (CN) will be an open source version of Free5GC (v3.2.1), and the RAN will be an open source version of UERANSIM (v3.2.6) with an integrated gNB.

Check the slides and demo video.

Aarna Speaker -Sandeep Sharma

The community is investigating Nephio's suitability for new use cases for network transformation as it develops. For the forthcoming O-RAN SC plugfest, a brand-new project is currently being developed that investigates how O2 IMS can expose a cloud-native declarative interface and combine with FOCOM in the Service Management and Orchestration (SMO) for administering the O-Cloud. This is applicable to both wireless and wired core IP networks using the IMS transport plane. We will discuss ideas for implementing and driving a declarative O2 IMS interface using Nephio Design Principles in this talk. The integration of the FOCOM in the SMO layer with the IMS implemented as Nephio is then discussed.

Check the slides and demo video.

We look forward to seeing you at the next LFN D&TF in the fall, 2023.

Cloud Edge Use Cases Part 3: Cloud Edge Machine Learning
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In part 1 and part 2 of this blog series, we mentioned the three use cases for the cloud edge (or the new middle mile) – edge multicloud networking, storage repatriation, and cloud edge machine learning. We discussed both the edge multicloud networking and storage repatriation use cases in more detail as well.

In this blog, we will cover the remaining and perhaps the most exciting use case – cloud edge machine learning.

Today, by and large, users run machine learning inferencing or light training such as for large language models i.e. LLM on-prem or in the public cloud. Both approaches have pros & cons.

Cloud Edge ML: OnPrem vs Public Cloud

What if there was a third-approach? Here the machine learning processing would occur at the cloud edge. See blog titled “AI and 5G Are Better at the Edge” by Oleg Berzin and Kaladhar Voruganti that addresses this scenario. While the blog links machine learning at the cloud edge to 5G, most of the blog applies to other access technologies as well. The authors cover three use cases – smart parking, AR/VR for predictive maintenance, and V2X and make a compelling case for the cloud edge.

In my view, the benefits of performing machine learning processing at the cloud edge include:

  • The ability to process data close to where it gets produced; this location is not as ideal as on-prem from a data proximity point of view, but it is a lot better than the public cloud. For the use cases listed above and for computer vision applications, the cloud edge can be a boon.
  • Ease of use features at part with the public cloud.
  • OPEX model.
  • On-demand, pay for what you use.

The benefits are further magnified when we talk about generative AI:

  • By using open source models such as Llama or Dolly, the user can have full control over the LLM model.
  • 0% (ZERO) probability of data leakage – one of the biggest fears of commercial LLMs is that a company’s intellectual property might leak into public models. By using a private model, there is 0% probability that sensitive IP leaks into the public domain.
  • Given that the cloud edge can be easily connected to a company’s private data by using a private link to their datacenter cage or through SD-WAN breakout (see figure below), a cloud edge LLM might have much easier access to sensitive data for training purposes than a private or public LLM running in a public cloud.
Cloud Edge ML Implementation

The above figure shows a Cloud Edge ML implementation with connectivity to the company’s on-prem locations over SD-WAN. The ML workloads could be LLMs like Llama or Dolly or computer vision ones such as NVidia Metropolis.

Aarna Edge Services (AES)

The AES SaaS offering provides machine learning at the cloud edge. It features an easy-to-use GUI that can slash weeks of orchestration work into less than an hour. In case of a failure, AES includes fault isolation and roll-back capabilities. A private beta is coming soon with support for:

  • Equinix Metal Servers with GPUs
  • Equinix Fabric & Network Edge with Azure Express Route/AWS Direct Connect
  • Pure Storage
  • ML workloads:
  • NVidia Fleet Command + Metropolis, OR
  • Open source Llama LLM, OR
  • Open source Dolly LLM

Our partner Predera provides support and professional services for the ML workloads. Reserve your spot today to get on the private beta list as we will initially be enabling just a few users!

Brandon Wick

The O-RAN Opportunity: Business Advantages
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This blog highlights the key points we discussed in our recently concluded webinar on O-RAN and its business opportunity. The proliferation of cloud-native technologies and the adoption of open source in 5G networks are driven by the need for scalability, flexibility, service orchestration, cost efficiency, collaboration, and interoperability. These trends help address the challenges posed by the scale and complexity of 5G deployments and foster innovation. The cloud native approach allows for the efficient allocation of computing resources, enabling dynamic scaling and on-demand provisioning to meet varying network demands.

O-RAN the Final Frontier

O-RAN is the "final frontier" for Network Operators' open, interoperable, virtualized, and disaggregated HW+SW solutions. By embracing O-RAN, network operators can break free from the traditional closed and proprietary network architectures. They gain the ability to select and integrate components from different vendors, promote innovation, reduce costs, enhance security, and ensure long-term scalability. 

The RAN currently represents the telecom operators' largest resource allocation (including CapEx and OpEx). With ordinary radio base stations often operating at between 25% and 50% capacity, it also needs to be more utilized.

Main Benefits of O-RAN:

  • Openness
  • Interoperability 
  • Reduces vendor lock-in
  • Allows for “best of breed” solutions
  • Fosters greater innovation

O-RAN Architecture

Fig 1: O-RAN Architecture

O-RAN architecture enables disaggregation of RAN components, thereby enabling them to run on a cloud (on-prem, edge, or public clouds). Each component can come from a different vendor but they will interoperate as the interfaces are standard. Below is a high-level explanation of the main components: 

  • Service Management & Orchestrator (SMO)
  • Near-RT RIC
  • O-RU (O-RAN Radio Unit)
  • O-DU (O-RAN Distributed Unit)
  • O-CU (O-RAN Centralized Unit)
  • O-Cloud (Open Cloud)

Role of O-RAN SMO 

  • O-CU, O-DU, and O-RU RAN functions are managed and orchestrated (Day-0/Day-N) by O-RAN SMO.
  • It carries out FCAPS procedures in support of RAN tasks.
  • The functionality of O-RAN SMO is a logical fit for AMCOP, which carries out: 
  • Orchestration (Day-0)
  • (Day-N) LCM
  • Service Assurance, or automation using Open Loop and Closed Loop
  • AMCOP is a fully functional O-RAN SMO as well as capable of orchestrating other Network Functions.


"RAN-in-the-Cloud" refers to the concept of deploying Radio Access Network (RAN) components in a cloud-based environment. Here the RAN functions, such as baseband processing and control functions, are virtualized and run on cloud infrastructure instead of dedicated hardware. This virtualization allows for more flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency in deploying and managing RAN networks. Instead of deploying and maintaining physical equipment at each cell site, RAN-in-the-Cloud enables centralized control and virtualized RAN functions that can serve multiple cell sites.

O-RAN-based implementations must use an end-to-end cloud architecture and be deployed in a genuine data center cloud or edge environment in order to be more valuable than proprietary RAN. RAN-in-the-Cloud is a 5G radio access network running as a containerized solution in a multi-tenant cloud architecture alongside other applications. These can be dynamically assigned in an E2E stack to improve utilization, lower CapEx and OpEx for telecom carriers, and enable the monetization of innovative edge services and applications like AI. 

During periods of underutilization in a RAN-in-the-Cloud architecture, the cloud can run additional workloads. Power usage and effective CAPEX will both be greatly decreased. With the ability to support 4T4R, 32T32R, 64T64R, or TDD/FDD on the same infrastructure, the RAN will become versatile and programmable. Additionally, MNOs can employ a GPU-accelerated infrastructure for other services like Edge AI, video applications, CDN, and more when the RAN isn't being used to its full potential. 

RAN-in-the-Cloud POC

This Proof of Concept (POC) was commissioned by Aarna.ml along with its partners Nvidia and Radisys. The left-hand side reflects a peak hour scenario, where there is an SMO, a CU and DU, and two servers. The Radio Units are connected through a switch. There is a 5G Core running with the SMO. During the off-peak hours (as shown by the right-hand side), when the utilization reduces, the vendor-neutral, intelligent SMO monitors the metrics of the underlying network, and based on certain predefined policies it can migrate some of the functions dynamically. For example, the DU2 and CU2 are utilizing 50% of the server capacity, then SMO migrates the DU to the first server and CU1 serves both the DUs. Since Server 2 gets freed up and thus it can be used for other applications (for example AI Edge App).

Fig 2: Enabling Multi-tenancy with Dynamic Orchestration of RAN Workload

AI/ML is a Game Changer

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing every industry. Not only can a COTS platform with GPU accelerators speed up 5G RAN, but also can be used for AI/ML edge applications. This offers a simple method for speeding 5G RAN connection and AI applications using the same GPU resources. Network Operators running AI/ML applications with no additional resource cost, and using the output from the AI/ML models for critical business decisions will have a competitive advantage.

Role of AI in O-RAN

O-RAN Architecture supports interfaces for running applications through standard interfaces. 

These applications can be developed by multiple vendors, thus encouraging a vendor-agnostic ecosystem. For example, rApps/xApps are developed by various vendors for RAN optimization.

Additionally, the RAN data or network data may be fed into a Data Lake and connected to an MLOps Engine for further data analysis. An additional function of AI and ML is what we discussed above – improve cloud (running RAN) resource utilization by using analytics and run cutting-edge AI applications using the same resources.

Requirements for AI/ML in O-RAN

  • General purpose compute with a cloud layer such as Kubernetes
  • General purpose acceleration, for example NVidia GPU, can be used by non-O-RAN workloads such as AI/ML, video services, CDNs, Edge IOT, and more
  • Software defined xHaul and networking 
  • Vendor neutral SMO (Service Management and Orchestration) that can perform the dynamic switching of workloads from RAN→non-RAN→RAN
  • The SMO also needs intelligence to understand how the utilization of the wireless network varies over time. 

Sustainability is no Longer a Luxury

Reducing carbon emissions in network deployment is an important consideration for mitigating the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure on the environment. Here are some strategies and technologies that can contribute to carbon reduction in network deployment:

  • Opting for energy-efficient hardware
  • Enabling multiple virtual network functions or services to run on a single physical server
  • Designing and operating data centers with efficient cooling systems, optimized airflow management, energy-efficient servers, and use renewable energy sources to power data centers
  • Transitioning to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, or hydropower for powering network infrastructure
  • Implementing energy management systems and monitoring tools to track and optimize energy consumption 
  • Using fiber-optic networks as they use less power to transmit data over longer distances
  • Implementing energy-efficient protocols, such as Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE)
  • Optimizing network routing and traffic management to reduces unnecessary data transmission 
  • Encouraging infrastructure sharing and collaboration among network operators
  • Properly manainge lifecycle of network equipment

Here, the SMO can have a dramatic impact on the O-RAN Capital Expenditure (CAPEX).

O-RAN implementations lend themselves to sustainability and energy efficiency by using: 

  • Standard off-the-shelf servers rather than specialized hardware logic
  • Optimal resource utilization by leveraging them to run other tasks
  • Software/Virtualization of RAN components reduces power consumption
  • On-demand scaling is made simpler by container and VM workloads

For more details check the recording of the webinar. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more informative videos on O-RAN and its advantages. Get the RAN-in-the-Cloud Solution Brief.

Amar Kapadia

Cloud Edge Use Cases Part 2: Storage Repatriation
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Storage Repatriation

From the AvidThink New Middle Mile report that features Aarna.ml we see the following three use cases emerging for the cloud edge (aka the new middle mile) orchestration:

1. Edge MultiCloud Networking

2. Storage Repatriation

3. Cloud Edge Machine Learning

In part 1 of this blog series, we discussed the Edge MultiCloud networking use case.

In this blog, we’ll explore the storage repatriation use case. In an insightful piece by Andressen Horowitz titled “The Cost of Cloud, a Trillion Dollar Paradox”, the authors observed how the cloud is a powerful vehicle for a growth stage company to accelerate their journey and yet the same cloud is a drag for later stage companies by compressing their margins. The article continues with some best practices that include incremental repatriation back from the public cloud. In another article David Heinemeier Hansson discusses why Basecamp abandoned public clouds

While we are not suggesting anything as radical as completely abandoning public clouds, we are suggesting that repatriating storage (and in future databases) to a datacenter location should be considered. You could also call this design pattern cloud-adjacent storage. By being on a neutral site, the user can enjoy numerous benefits:

  • Run compute in public or private clouds and access storage without paying egress costs (thus cutting OPEX). 
  • Even if you plan to use the public cloud, you can take advantage of cost arbitrage and move your compute to different clouds on an almost daily basis, again slashing OPEX.
  • Get the ideal storage performance you want. Spot pricing makes this option especially attractive, and using spot instances is only possible if the persistent storage is in a neutral site.
  • Get the data closer to the edge, where Gartner predicts 75% of the world’s data will be created by 2025, thus saving on bandwidth costs of moving the data to the public cloud. For example, by using log filtering, most logs could be stored on the cloud edge while just a subset could be sent to services such as Splunk or to the public cloud.

An example of cloud adjacent storage is as follows:

Aarna Edge Services (AES)

The AES SaaS offering provides initial orchestration and ongoing management of topologies such as the one shown above. It features an easy-to-use GUI that can slash weeks of work into less than an hour. In case of a failure, AES includes fault isolation and roll-back capabilities. The first version of AES supports the following digital products (with more to come):

  • Equinix Metal
  • Equinix Fabric
  • Equinix Network Edge (Cisco C8000V)
  • Azure Express Route
  • Pure Storage (coming soon)
  • AWS Direct Connect (coming soon)

Please see the demo and feel free to request a trial.