



Brandon Wick

Nvidia Superchip Boosts Open RAN
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Nvidia, the renowned graphics processing unit (GPU) giant, has now unveiled its groundbreaking "Grace Hopper" chip (Light Reading), signifying their continued commitment to advancing AI and OpenRAN technologies. This represents a significant leap forward in the realm of cloud economics and wireless connectivity.

Per Nvidia, Grace is used for L2+, Hopper (the GPU) is used for inline acceleration at Layer 1, and the BlueField DPU runs timing synchronization for open fronthaul 7.2 -- an interface between baseband and radios developed by the O-RAN Alliance. This results in an impressive 36 Gbit/s on the downlink and 2.5x more power efficiency. Softbank and Fujitsu are some early customers lining up behind the AI-plus-RAN approach of combining powerful AI analytics at the edge with a software-defined 5G RAN.

RAN-in-theCloud Demo

In a recent demonstration, Nvidia collaborated with Radisys and Aarna.ml to showcase RAN-in-the-Cloud, a 5G radio access network fully hosted as a service in multi-tenant cloud infrastructure running as a containerized solution alongside other applications. This Proof-of-Concept includes a single pane of glass orchestrator from Aarna and Radisys to dynamically manage the 5G RAN workloads and 5G Core applications and services end-to-end in real time on NVIDIA GPU accelerators and architecture.  

Learn more about this demo by downloading the solution brief.  This RAN-in-the-Cloud stack is ready for customer field trials in 2H 2023. Contact us to learn more.


O-RAN Front and Center at Big 5G Event
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We want to thank our hosts ( Light Reading, Heavy Reading, Informa, Omdia ) for a successful Big 5G Event 2023. It was great to have our Sr Director of Marketing, Brandon Wick, participate in a panel on Open RAN and to hear a lot of industry commitment towards sustainability and an Open RAN marketplace. 

How Open RAN Can Boost Innovation and Competition in the Telecom and Enterprise Industry

Open RAN disaggregates hardware from software and enables interoperability between different vendors and components and fundamentally shaking up the market. But how can service providers and enterprises adopt Open RAN? Will enterprises be the first to adopt Open RAN and does it ever go mainstream with service providers? Join us for a panel discussion where experts will share their insights on these questions and more. You will hear from leaders in the field of Open RAN who will share their experiences, best practices, and lessons learned. You will also get to ask your questions and interact with the panelists and other attendees.

We look forward to more O-RAN collaboration in the future.

How Open RAN Can Boost Innovation and Competition in the Telecom and Enterprise Industry

Bhanu Chandra

Understanding the O-RAN Opportunity: Architecture, Community Contribution, and Advanced Features & Use Cases.
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Aarna.ml conducted a live webinar on May 10th, 2023 that covered the state of the art on O-RAN. The discussion comprised sessions from our experts Yogendra Pal, who took the audience through the O-RAN Architecture Overview, Pavan Samudrala, who gave an overview of the O-RAN Community and the different open source, collaborative efforts revolving around O-RAN, and Bhanu Chandra, who took the audience through advanced features and use cases of O-RAN. See the webinar slides. Watch the webinar on-demand.

O-RAN Architecture Overview

Figure 1 - O-RAN Architecture

The orange color-coded components are adapted from the O-RAN Alliance group and the blue color-coded components are as per 3GPP specification. The various disintegrated RAN elements are installed on O-Cloud. The disaggregated O-RAN components are managed through O-RAN Service Management and Orchestration (SMO). SMO uses the standard interface O2 for bringing up the distributed infrastructure. SMO also has interfaces (O1/O2/M-Plane) to various RAN elements and it decides the connection between network elements. It uses the O1 interface for carrying out configuration management. 

The O-RU (Radio Unit) has an abstraction layer, but each of these interfaces has an FCAPS defined and SMO is responsible for managing them. SMO has a component called Non-Real Time RIC, this is an abstraction layer of all the logic which was present in previous generations of deployments like 3G and 4G. All the RAN elements in traditional deployment have been abstracted and replaced by two components Non-Real Time RIC and Near-Real Time RIC. Near-RT RIC is placed closer to the Control Plane of the disintegrated RAN elements. The intensive computing functions are present in the Non-Real Time RIC.

O-RAN Software Community Contributions

O-RAN Alliance and The Linux Foundation are developing the de facto standards for the O-RAN community. O-RAN Alliance defines the specifications and O-RAN Software Community follows those specs for implementation of O-RAN software. The key goals of the O-RAN Sc are:

  1. To develop open and intelligent RAN
  2. Align with O-RAN Alliance
  3. Drive open I/Fs and interoperability (xApps/rApps)
  4. Support collaboration between communities like ONF, TIP, ONAP, etc.
  5. Demonstrate capabilities
  6. Model and data driven operations and automation of those operations


The goal of the TIP ROMA working group under the Telecom Infra Project (TIP) is to facilitate testing of disaggregated Open RAN elements. It is a functional testbed made up of O-RAN partners O-RU, O-CU, O-DU, and 5GC running on common hardware and was created with the intention of fostering the maturity of the Open RAN orchestration and management automation (ROMA) product and solution ecosystem. It helps in outlining the requirements of Telecom Network Operators and by deciphering those real-time problems and requirements of MNOs, the community has defined test cases. The O-RAN vendors (O-CU, O-DU, O-RU, SMO) come together and carry out interoperability tests as per these laid out test cases and can get badging eligibility. Based on the results of these tests, the telecom vendors can pick the O-RAN vendors.

i14y Lab

Hosted by O-RAN, the i14y Lab is another interoperability test lab. Through the Interoperability Lab (i14y lab), Aarna.ml took part in the O-RAN Global PlugFest Autumn 2022. We collaborated with CapGemini Engineering to demonstrate both the O1 and O2 interface of the Aarna AMCOP SMO. This lab is mostly driven by system integrators who run interop tests and recommend solutions to silicon vendors.

Advanced Features and Use Cases of O-RAN

Figure 2 : Non RT RIC and rApps


  • Internal to SMO
  • A1 interface termination
  • Expose R1 services to rApps


  • Values added services
  • Radio Resource management, Data Analytics, EI
  • AI/ML models

With the help of rApps we can solve various use cases like -

  • Traffic steering use case 
  • QoE use case 
  • QoS based resource optimization 
  • Context based dynamic handover management for V2X 
  • RAN slice SLA Assurance 
  • Massive MIMO Optimization use case

Traffic Steering Use Case

  • Steering or distributing the traffic in a balanced manner for efficient usage of radio resources
  • Allows mobile network operators to configure the desired optimisation policies in a flexible manner
  • To enable intelligent and proactive traffic management, one needs to use the appropriate performance criteria along with machine learning
  • Predict network and UE performance
  • Switch and split the traffic across access technologies in radio and applications

Models Used in Traffic Steering Use Case

  • Cell load prediction/user traffic volume prediction
  • Generate relevant A1 policies to provide guidance on the traffic steering preferences
  • Time-series prediction of individual performance metrics or counters
  • QoE prediction at each neighbor cell for a given targeted user

Input data in Traffic Steering Use Case

  • Load related counters, e.g., UL/DL PRB occupation
  • User traffic data, counters and KPIs
  • Measurement reports with RSRP/RSRQ/CQI information for serving and neighboring cells
  • UE connection and mobility/handover statistics with indication of successful and failed handovers
  • Cell load statistics such as number of active users or connections, number of scheduled active
  • users per TTI, PRB utilization, and CCE utilization
  • Per user performance statistics such as PDCP throughput, RLC or MAC layer latency, DL
  • throughput

QoE Use Case

  • This use case is intended for highly interactive, traffic-sensitive, and demanding 5G native applications like AR/VR, which requires low latency.
  • Application-level QoE estimation and prediction can assist in addressing this uncertainty, increase the effectiveness of radio resources, and ultimately enhance user experience.
  • To assist with traffic recognition, QoE prediction, and QoS enforcement choices, ML algorithms can be used to collect and process multi-dimensional data (user traffic data, QoE measurements, network measurement report).

Models Used in QoE Use Case

  • QoE prediction model
  • QoE policy model
  • Available BW prediction model

Input Data in QoE Use Case

  • Network level measurement report like UE level (radio, mobility metrics).
  • Traffic pattern(throughput, latency, pps), RAN( PDCP buffer), Cell level(Dl/RL PRB)
  • QoE-related measurement metrics collected from SMO
  • User traffic data

QoS based resource optimization Use Case

This use case is relevant when we must provide priority to a certain group of users, such as first responders in an emergency, by pre-empting normal users or allocating them more bandwidth.

Context based dynamic handover management for V2X

In a V2X ecosystem, vehicles and infrastructure elements need to communicate with each other and exchange information in real-time to enable various applications such as traffic management, collision avoidance, autonomous driving, and infotainment services. Context-based dynamic handover management aims to ensure uninterrupted and reliable communication by dynamically managing the handover process when a vehicle moves between different coverage areas or network technologies.

RAN slice SLA Assurance

RAN slicing allows network operators to partition their RAN resources into multiple virtualized slices. Each slice can be allocated to different services, applications, or user groups, enabling customized network capabilities and QoS (Quality of Service) levels. RAN slice SLA (Service Level Agreement) assurance refers to the process of monitoring and ensuring the fulfillment of agreed-upon service-level objectives for RAN slices in a network environment. It involves continuous monitoring, fault detection, performance optimization, and effective communication to maintain the desired quality of service for each RAN slice.

Massive MIMO Optimization use case

Massive MIMO optimization enables the efficient utilization of network resources, mitigates interference, improves coverage and capacity, and enhances the overall quality of service in wireless communication networks, particularly in dense urban environments or high-traffic areas.

For the technical details on the AI/ML models used in SMO for setting up policies of the first two use cases please check our webinar.

AI/ML Model Training & Deployment

Figure 3: AI/ML Models in AMCOP O-RAN SMO

  • Data Collection: Relevant data is collected from the network. This data can include performance metrics, network configuration parameters, user behavior, and other relevant information. 

  • Data Preprocessing: Once the data is collected, it needs to be preprocessed to remove noise, handle missing values, and normalize the data for training ML models. Data preprocessing techniques like data cleaning, feature scaling, and data transformation may be applied to ensure the quality and consistency of the input data.

  • Model Training: AI/ML models, such as regression models, decision trees, random forests, or deep learning models, can be trained using the preprocessed data. 

  • Deployment: A trained AI/ML model can then be deployed in a production environment to process real-time data and provide actionable insights or recommendations.

  • Real-time Monitoring and Adaptation: Deployed AI/ML models continuously monitor network conditions, analyze incoming data, and provide real-time insights to the SMO system. 

  • Model Refinement and Retraining: Over time, the performance of AI/ML models can be further improved by periodically retraining them with updated data. Retraining can be performed offline, and the updated models can be seamlessly deployed without disrupting the SMO operations.

By incorporating AI/ML model training and deployment in O-RAN SMO, network operators can benefit from automated decision-making, proactive network management, and improved efficiency. The models can assist in optimizing network resources, enhancing user experience, and enabling intelligent orchestration of the O-RAN environment.

Thanks to AMCOP's comprehensive O-RAN SMO, a cloud-native application for orchestrating and managing O-RAN network activities, network operators can manage multi-vendor RAN settings and select best-of-breed network functions for validation and interoperability testing. Check the Aarna.ml product page to learn more.

See the webinar slides. Watch the webinar on-demand.

Amar Kapadia

Cloud Edge Use Cases Part 1: Edge MultiCloud Networking
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Edge MultiCloud Networking

A couple of weeks ago, we published a blog on the AvidThink New Middle Mile report that features Aarna.ml. In the blog, we also talked about how we see the following three use cases emerging for the cloud edge (aka the new middle mile) orchestration:

1. Edge MultiCloud Networking

2. Storage Repatriation

3. Cloud Edge Machine Learning

In this blog, we will talk about the Edge MultiCloud Networking orchestration use case. We will cover the other two in subsequent blogs. 

Macro Trends

The datacenter space is growing at about 7.5% (source: Future Market Insights). Digital products or software driven products within data centers are growing substantially – from being 10% of the datacenter infrastructure in 2021 to 40% by 2025 (source: Gartner). Here are some examples of digital products available at a datacenter such as Equinix:

  • Compute: Equinix Metal, HPE GreenLake, AWS Outposts, Zenlayer, …
  • Storage: Pure Storage, NTAP, Dell APEX, Seagate Lyve, …
  • Networking: Equinix Network Edge that provides Cisco, Juniper, Palo Alto, Fortinet, Versa, …
  • DC⇔DC or DC⇔public cloud Connectivity: Equinix Fabric, Megaport, …
  • Kubernetes: Red Hat OpenShift, VMWare Tanzu, EKS Anywhere, Google Anthos,...

This is great news for enterprises because they can get the digital attributes of cloud computing –  on-demand, elastic, self-service, OPEX-model in the data center. In my mind, this is the exact definition of a cloud edge. Just having hardware in the datacenter does not amount to a cloud edge. It has to be digital. 

The Edge MultiCloud Networking Problem 

Now that we have digital products in a datacenter, how do we compose environments that workloads can use? These workloads can be solely running on the cloud edge or they can span cloud edge to the public cloud. The answer is quite shocking – creating environments that require compute, storage, networking, Kubernetes, and public cloud connectivity have to be built manually. I’ve heard horror stories where it took users weeks to compose these environments. If an application has to be deployed on top, it could even take months. Gartner predicts that 70% of organizations will implement structured infrastructure automation by 2025, up from 20% in 2021. I question the 20%, we have seen domain level automation, i.e. automation of just Equinix Metal servers for example, but we have not seen any evidence of automation of entire environments that need compute, storage, networking, K8s, and connectivity.

Orchestration as a Solution

Edge MultiCloud Networking orchestration provides zero touch automation for deploying, configuring, and managing the cloud edge along with public cloud connectivity. This allows workloads and resources to be shared seamlessly across the cloud edge and the public cloud.

Here is an example of how this orchestration would work in real life:

Edge Multicloud Networking
Edge Multicloud Networking

Aarna Edge Services (AES)

The AES SaaS offering provides initial orchestration and ongoing management of topologies such as the one shown above. It features an easy-to-use GUI that can slash weeks of work into less than an hour. In case of a failure, AES includes fault isolation and roll-back capabilities. The first version of AES supports the following digital products (with more to come):

  • Equinix Metal
  • Equinix Fabric
  • Equinix Network Edge (Cisco C8000V)
  • Azure Express Route
  • Pure Storage (coming soon)
  • AWS Direct Connect (coming soon)

Please see the demo and feel free to request a trial.

Brandon Wick

Get RAN-in-the-Cloud Solution Brief
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To take full advantage of cloud computing, the RAN needs all compute elements deployed in the cloud. This is RAN-in-the-Cloud — a 5G radio access network fully hosted as a service in multi-tenant cloud infrastructure running as a containerized solution alongside other applications. These can be dynamically allocated in an E2E stack to increase utilization and reduce CapEx and OpEX for telecom operators while allowing monetization of new edge applications and services, such as AI.

We've now published a Solution Brief that highlights our RAN-in-the-Cloud Proof of Concept (PoC) with NVIDIA and Radisys. Aarna.ml provides an open source O-RAN SMO (service management and orchestration) built for easy integration across O-RAN software components and this Proof-of-Concept (POC) includes a single pane of glass orchestrator from Aarna and Radisys.

Get the Solution Brief

Read the RAN-in-the-cloud Blog from Aarna

Read the RAN-in-the-cloud Blog from NVIDIA

Watch the RAN-in-the-cloud Demo Video

Sriram Rupanagunta

What’s New in AMCOP 3.3
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Aarna.ml Multi Cluster Orchestration Platform (AMCOP) version 3.3 is now available. Through orchestration, lifecycle management, real-time policy, and closed-loop automation capabilities, AMCOP provides zero touch edge orchestration and solves management complexity at scale. In this post, I’ll highlight the new features, improvements, and additions in the release. 

SMO: Topology View for RAN Elements

For O-RAN deployment use cases, AMCOP provides Service Management and Orchestration (SMO) solutions. For the O-RAN Centralized Unit (CU), Distributed Unit (DU), and Open FH M-Plane specification for Radio Unit (RU), respectively, AMCOP SMO uses the O1 interface to perform FCAPS operations.. 

The new feature in 3.3 is to show the topology of disaggregated RAN elements (CU/DU/RU) in a graphical manner.

Figure - Tree View of Network Topology

SMO: Configurable Colors for Alarm Notifications

AMCOP O-RAN SMO now supports alarm status color codes for different types of alarms.

There are 4 severity levels for the notifications defined in o-ran-fm.yang:

  • Major
  • Minor
  • Critical
  • Warning

The AMCOP UI retrieves data and modifies the color schemes based on their priority, which enables the Operators to take appropriate actions accordingly (open loop).  

ETSI SOL005 API Support for Fault Management

AMCOP now supports ETSI SOL005 implementation using a REST API. The resource representations are made in JSON and resource manipulation is made through CRUD(*) operations. Resources can be created using POST, read using GET, updated using PATCH/PUT, and deleted using DELETE.

This enables the users of AMCOP (especially at higher layer applications, such as OSS/BSS) to interface using the ETSI SOL005 standard. 

SMO: Workflows for Configuration, RU Activation, and Cell Setup 

AMCOP SMO now supports workflows that perform additional automation of RAN configuration, which needed to be done manually in earlier releases. 

Once a session is established between an SMO and an O-RU (Radio Unit), a configuration push is done in order for the RU to be operational immediately, without any manual configuration. The following configuration is now handled automatically: 

  • Carrier configuration
  • Frame timing configuration
  • Delay Management configuration
  • Transport configuration

On receipt of sync status as LOCKED from an O-RU, the SMO triggers a cell setup request to the CU/DU automatically. On receipt of sync status as ERROR from O-RU, the SMO triggers a cell deactivate request to the CU/DU automatically. The SMO fetches the CU/DU based on the cell status and it triggers an activation request to the RU. If the cell is down and then comes up, the SMO activates the O-RU.

The latest version supports E2E testing of RU startup config push with SMO workflow yang modules. It also supports E2E testing of cell setup/active/inactive and E2E testing of RU active/inactive status. 

Network Slicing Support (Non-shared Slices)

AMCOP network slicing solution supports 3GPP release v18 for various attributes involved in slicing solutions, as per the specifications TS 28.531 and TS 28.541. 

This new feature of AMCOP supports the Network Slicing across all the 3 domains -- 5G Core, RAN, Transport -- and includes a sample BSS implementation that uses a REST API to drive the slice management logic in AMCOP. The feature is already integrated with open source implementations of 5GC and RAN, but it can be integrated with other vendors’ core and RAN implementations (commercial as well as open source). 

In conclusion, the latest release of AMCOP v3.3 includes several new features, enhancements and bug fixes that enable it to orchestrate and manage multiple network elements and non-shared network slices with ease. 

Learn more about AMCOP and request a free trial.